Charitable Aims
We aim to make Deaf Choices available to all who need it from diagnosis of deafness, so we can enable deaf babies/children and young people to fulfil their potential, integrating them into family life, bolstering friendships and paving the way for successful careers.
We support parents of deaf children to make the best CHOICE(S) for Language, Literacy and Communication.
We believe that every deaf child and every family have a unique set of needs and DCUK are here to help you to navigate and explore the choices that are available to you, so that you can make an informed choice to best meet the needs of your child.
Our objective is to provide information, training and support, which is accessible to all who need it.
Cued Speech can provide a foundation for all other communication interventions for deaf children right from the start.
It can provide access to the full and rich first spoken language of the home on which to build other languages such as British Sign language.
It can significantly and positively impact lip-reading which is a significant skill underpinning literacy development for deaf children.
It can allow a child to develop an understanding of spoken language and an auditory memory (regardless of the level of hearing loss) that will support and accelerate the rehabilitation process post cochlear implant.
We want all deaf children to have the opportunity to benefit from Cued Speech and are the only charity in the UK that provides it.