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Welcome from Henrietta Ireland

More about the resource

  • Why do we need Nan-in-a-Van
    We know that deaf children and those with SEND may struggle with literacy at Key stage 1 and we also know that many literacy programmes may not meet the unique needs of these children and that the belief that; ‘If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again!’ will often leave children and staff feeling demoralised.
  • Who can use this intervention with a child?
    The materials are designed so that an adult and child co-work and learn together as they make their way through the programme, so there is minimal staff training required. It is assumed that one person- usually the adult - acts as the reading-partner by taking the lead in understanding the instructions and guiding them both through the session, and turn-taking is encouraged throughout.
  • What is unique about Nan-in-a-Van?
    The visual languages of the deaf world - English through Cued Speech and BSL - are used throughout the materials, giving everyone the chance to engage even more of their capacities.
  • Who is the intervention aimed at?
    Children who are learning to read, in particular deaf children and their peers, some children with SEND may also benefit.
  • How do we find out more and book our free demonstration?
    Simply email and we will be in touch. Thank you The Nan in a Van Team


Registered Charity: 279523

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The Boatshed, Steamer Quay

Steamer Quay Road, 

Totnes, Devon


Phone: 01803 712 853

Company limited by guarantee: 1477997 

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